Receving a loan from Pawn 1 can be a great way to get some quick cash for expenses or some fun without having to endure a credit check or a long wait. Just bring in your collateral, and we’ll agree on a value, do a little paperwork, and loan you the cash. See our FAQs below for more details.
To receive loan, a customer and Pawn 1 will agree on an item’s value, and the item will be left with us as collateral in exchange for a short-term cash loan. Simply put, leave your item with us until it’s time to come back, repay the loan, and collect your item.
If you can't afford to pay back your loan yet a renewal (also called a rewrite) will allow you to pay just the interest that has accrued on your loan which creates a new contract, and extend the loan for another full term.
You can do this as many times as you need to.
We securely store all collateral property for the duration of the loan contract. If the loan contract expires and you have not renewed or redeemed the item, the collateral items will then be placed into our inventory and put out for sale.
We use many factors in determining an item’s value, including age, condition, and the value it currently holds on the retail and reseller markets.
Boats, motorcycles, jet skis, snowmobiles, ATV’s, RV’s, and more are all eligible for loans in our secure indoor storage facility. This isn’t your typical title loan. All you need is your ID and title. No extra paperwork needed! The transaction is fast, easy, and confidential. Also, there’s no credit check required in order to qualify. If you’ve got it, you can get cash in your hands instantly.
Payments can be made at any of our store locations. Family owned and operated since 1979.
Visit any Pawn 1 or Vista Pawn location and speak with a representative
Bring in state-issued identification
Make sure you have your vehicle or marine title available
Make sure your item is clean, and in working condition for testing
It’s that simple! Just stop in at any Pawn 1 or Vista Pawn location.
Instead of receiving a collateral loan, you also have the option to sell your item to Pawn 1 in exchange for cash.
Typically, selling an item can net a little more cash because interest is not a factor when negotiating amounts. If you don’t want to keep your item, then selling it is the best option.
The process is simple we negotiate a price, do a little paper work, and you walk out within minutes with the cash you need. To get started all you need is your item and government-issued identification